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Lomi Tabletop Composter Pilot Program

Lomi Tabletop Composter Program

Lomi Signage Information
What is a Lomi? Credit: Tasha Cammidge

Lomi - 3rd Floor Chen
Lomi Third Floor Chen Credit: Tasha Cammidge

Lomi Signage
Lomi Signage Credit: Tasha Cammidge

Did you notice our Lomi tabletop composters in some BBE kitchen areas?

Green Labs has deployed it's first Pilot Program! We have installed Lomi tabletop composters in the three Chen kitchen areas, a kitchen in Broad, and a kitchen in Beckman Institute in an effort to tackle food waste at Caltech. We will collect data on the usage of these devices to encourage adoption of sustainable lunchtime practices for labs in BBE. In just a few hours per run, these Lomi composters transform our food waste into usable compost dirt that our gardeners are able to use to fertilize the lovely gardens here at Caltech!

Lomi Compost Dirt
Lomi composters placed in the Chen kitchen areas have converted 200 Liters (53 gallons!) of food waste into compost dirt that has been diverted to the Caltech Gardens. Credit: Tasha Cammidge

Our plan: The composters are going to be run by Green Labs colleagues as needed ~5 pm – 10 pm to make usable compost dirt. If the composters are full or running, we will have small compost bins available beside the Lomi for people to add their food scraps to, or satellite bins that folks can fill up for transport to a Lomi. Signs indicating what can and cannot go into our composters are posted near the garbage cans and near each Lomi. We will be collecting data to show just how much food waste we are producing, and how valuable this food waste can be if diverted correctly. We hope to use this data to encourage Caltech to adopt more sustainable practices and invest more heavily in composting programs on campus.

We eventually want to make the machines available to "borrow" for large events (coming soon!), so if you have an event you'd like to borrow one for, please let us know and we will try to make it available!

Update: Since April 2023, we have diverted about 1402 kg (3091 lbs) of food waste! The Lomi composters have reduced that food waste to about 280 kg (610 lbs) of dirt that the Caltech Gardens are using to fertilize the wonderful campus grounds.

January 2025 Lomi Dirt

January 2025 Food Waste Diversion

Here is more information on Lomi composters.

Here is the Lomi Manual.

Do you have a pilot project you would like us to pursue?

Fill out the form below or fill out an application form. (Submissions officially open in June 2023.)