-70 ˚C/-80 ˚C Comparison Pilot Program
Green Labs is calling for samples for a student-led study comparing samples held at -20 ˚C, -70 ˚C and -80 ˚C in the Chen Freezer Farm.
Samples from various labs will be tested and compared at intervals over a period of up to 5 years. We are testing the assumption that "colder is better" in terms of ultra-low temperature storage of samples.
We hope that by conducting a controlled study at Caltech, we can provide evidence for labs to change their -80 ˚C freezers to -70 ˚C, ensuring an energy savings of up to 30%! This "chill-up" will also reduce the number of defrosts your freezer requires each year, and reduces the wear and tear on your freezer! Here are some additional resources suggesting that -70 ˚C is a safe storage temperature for many kinds of samples.
If you are interested in contributing a sample, please email us at greenlabsinfo@caltech.edu or fill our this Google Form!
Update: Since September 2023, we have stored and tested samples of glycerol bacterial cultures, animal cell lines, and protein.
Preliminary results show that in -70 ˚C compared to -80 ˚C : bacterial biomass yield and DNA yield are consistent; and animal cell death fraction (apoptosis) is constant; and protein function and integrity is unchanged. By the start of 2025, we hope to have a finalized writeup to share, so stay tuned!
Our plan: Conduct a controlled study to provide evidence that -70 ˚C is a safe temperature for long-term storage. Furthermore, adjusting temperatures from -80 ˚C to -70 ˚C ensures an energy savings of up to 30%! This "chill-up" will also reduce the number of defrosts your freezer requires each year, and reduces the wear and tear on your freezer! Here are some additional resources suggesting that -70 ˚C is a safe storage temperature for many kinds of samples.
If you are interested in contributing a sample, please email us at greenlabsinfo@caltech.edu or fill our this Google Form!
Is keeping our ultra-low temperature freezer at -70 ˚C just as good as -80 ˚C? Short answer: YES! Here are some references to support our claim, and keep an eye out for results from our year-long study!
Sample Storage Temperature Comparisons
Caltech Sustainability -70C/-80C Case Study
Additional links with advice on how to keep your freezer running optimally:
Freezer Best Practices Overview
Improving Freezer Efficiency Is (Ultra) Cool!
9 Ways to Make Your Refrigerator More Efficient
Additional studies and links:
Caltech Freezer Rebate Program (save between $2,000 and $8,500 on a new freezer!)
MIT: Putting the Freeze on Lab Energy Waste
Useful References:
Check out the Lab Spring Clean Event for more information, freezer and inventory signage, freezer defrost guide, and more!
Cold Storage Fact Sheet (simple)
Cold Storage Fact Sheet (detailed)